Trauma of Birth

Beauty of a new life.

With each birth there is a new life. This is a continuation for humanity and the animal kingdom. Birth is a natural thing. Women got pregnant and gave birth as long as humanity exists. As much as that is true in most cases, there are many couples that are experiencing difficulties in this area. Let’s talk about pregnancy and the process of birth. 


Mother’s body is going through a myriad of changes in preparation of growing a new human being inside of her body. Hormonal changes affect not just mood, but also digestion, toxin elimination, and other system changes. There is a lot of talk about post labor depression. However, many new moms also experience pregnancy depression. 

There is so much unknown, especially during the first pregnancy. I know I felt it. I was super happy about the baby growing inside of me, what a miracle! But I also felt anxiety. What if I will not be a good mother? What if something terrible happens? 

Birth trauma for the baby.

Baby was fed automatically and in a temperature controlled womb for 9 months and all of a sudden things are changing, rapidly.  In addition to physical injuries to the infant that result from mechanical forces, compression and traction during the birth process, there is also emotional trauma. In my experience helping my clients heal their birth trauma, I found emotions such as: “I wasn’t wanted” or “My mother/father doesn’t love me”. In some cases the babies really were not welcome. However, sometimes these emotions were formulated and trapped simply because of the physical force during birth. Medicine that induces the labor alone can cause these emotions, because the baby isn't ready to transition out of the mother’s body. 

Birth trauma for the mother.

Birth trauma can be any physical or emotional distress a mother may experience during or after childbirth. During the birth, she may feel afraid, helpless or unsupported by those around her. Even though that might not be true in reality. After the birth, she might be left feeling guilty or numb due to events beyond her control. One could even suffer from panic attacks.

Generational birth trauma. 

Any strong emotions can be passed on through generations. It can come from your parents, grandparents or even several generations back. The biggest problem about inherited traumas is that we might not even know about their existence. One might know they feel terrified even thinking about having a baby or getting pregnant. Unless, we gather this information from the person’s subconscious, we would stay clueless how to deal in that situation. 

Does a traumatic birth experience have an impact on future fertility?

Like Dr. Bradley Nelson says:”Everything can cause everything”. Yes, any emotional trauma can cause any mental or physical issue in the body and mind. So, in my belief, fertility is no exception. Emotional trauma trapped in male’s or female’s body, can cause fertility issues. These strong negative emotions can be felt by self (baby birth trauma), or inherited. 

Side effects of birth trauma. 

There were numerous studies done trying to understand the physiology and psychology of parents who suffered a miscarriage or a traumatic birth experience with a first child. 

Article published in the National Library of medicine states: ” Roughly 4% of American couples remain involuntarily childless . Even though there is no specific point of loss for those who remain involuntarily childless, they report deep feelings of loss and mourn for children that they never had . The experience of involuntary childlessness is associated with more health complaints, greater anxiety and depression, and complicated grief for women. Outcomes can be long-lasting as well; a study of 14 involuntarily childless women in Sweden conducted 20 years after their failed infertility treatments revealed continued negative effects on women's relationships and sexual lives . These women also reported that they still think about their childlessness and experience low self-esteem and feelings of social isolation. Reproductive problems affect a substantial number of American women. Recent data from the National Survey of Fertility Barriers (NSFB, 2007) indicate that almost 30 percent of women experience problems with fertility, a rate 50 percent higher than indicated just over a decade ago. ”

Can we do anything about it? 

As the purpose of this article is to discuss ways using energy healing modalities to eliminate emotional traumas contributing to reproduction, I will not cover any of the medical procedures. I also wanted to be very clear that I do not suggest anyone to substitute medical care for energy healing sessions. Always talk to your doctor to make a plan that works for you.

So let's talk about energy balancing modalities. 

Acupuncture for fertility. 

Acupuncture is a widely accepted modality to improve fertility. Even though there is a physical action of needles placed in specific areas of the body, acupuncture is an energy healing technique. It is based on meridians. In traditional Chinese medicine, meridians are channels that form a network in the body, through which vital energy flows. Blocked energy causes pain or illness. The flow of energy is restored by using pressure, needles, suction, or heat at hundreds of specific points along the meridians.

Emotion, body, belief codes.

A modality created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is a system, using muscle testing, to communicate with a person's subconscious mind. Conscious mind is roughly 5%, while the subconscious is 95% of our brain. Subconscious is a human computer program that runs all body systems even when we are asleep. Thanks to the subconscious, those systems run automatically. That being said, the subconscious knows absolutely everything about our emotional and physical health. Trained and certified emotion, body and belief code practitioners can provide a lot of help while decoding hidden information. Many of my clients get super impressed when they read in their session notes (which I provide after each session) about a specific physical or emotional trauma that happened in a specific period of time in their lives. I always have to assure, that I am not a psychic, I just got that information from their own subconscious mind. 

Power of meditation.

Meditation and mindfulness are scientifically proven methods that are nowadays widely accepted as mainstream practices. It can lead to powerful, long-lasting emotional and physical health. There are different ways you can do meditation, sitting down, laying down or walking. Please don’t tell me meditation is not for you. It might not be yet, but you can certainly master it if you take the time. Start with just 5 minutes each day. If your mind tends to wander away, choose a guided meditation. You can build it up to 45 minutes or an hour. Another problem people have is a restless body during meditation. Well, you will have to use your willpower to show your body who is in charge. Every time you manage to stay in meditation, it will be a victory! Celebrate it. 


Human body is a miraculous creation. It has been proven that it is more energy than it is matter. And because it is so, we should not discount the power of energy when it comes to physical health. There is a strong possibility that every one of us experienced some level of birth trauma that could be affecting our thoughts, beliefs and health.  

I hope I provided you with some “Aha” moments and some food for thought. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or would like to share your story. 

Cheers to health!


Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC

Certified Emotion|Body|Belief Code Practitioner

Balancing By Numbers Practitioner

Holistic Skin Expert - Licensed Esthetician in CA & FL

Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner

Master Reiki Practitioner

Owner of Radiance Wellness Spa in Santa Monica, CA

Founder & Formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health


Can Emotion and Body Code be beneficial for children? 


Schumann Resonance