Can Emotion and Body Code be beneficial for children?
Babies come into this world with a clean slate. That is what we were taught for a very long time. But is that true? How is it that there are different personalities that even infants show? Some kids are calm and happy, while others cry extensively and wake up screaming in the middle of the night.
At the time of conception, the fetus takes on a combination of DNA from both biological parents. Traits of information are passed through generations. Just like the color of their eyes, structure of the hair and body features, children inherit emotional traumas. When a person feels a strong emotion and does not process it to be released, it gets trapped into their body. Later on, it might be passed on to his or her children.
Kids inherit emotional troubles from their parents, and that creates the base of their personality. Life experiences reinforce that. How does that work? Every emotion is energy and it vibrates at a certain frequency. These frequencies attract other people and situations with the same vibration. For example, if one inherited a trauma of "broken heart", sooner or later that child will attract a person to fulfill that "truth" and to break her/his heart.
Children also may take on others’ beliefs and limitations as they are growing up. Especially in the first seven years of their lives. They are like sponges absorbing everything around them. Later on, that becomes part of their personality. All these fears, limiting beliefs, and phobias become the foundation of a child's subconscious system.
Children can even absorb negative emotions when they are in the womb and during birth. In addition to feeling their own trauma, they have no choice but to absorb trauma felt by the mother, and sometimes even other people around in the room. Just think of how much a child goes through to be brought into this world. There are so many emotions that newborns could pick up from their mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, and not to mention the experience of being born. Who knows how these very first emotions will affect who they become?
We should not eliminate the idea of past lives. Each soul brings in a truck load of previous lives experiences, information and traumas.
How can we help these innocent babies and young children? That is where Emotion and Body codes come to the rescue.
Emotion and Body Codes are based on the fact that everything, including emotions, is energy. Strongly felt emotions can become trapped anywhere in the body. A trapped emotion is a ball of vibrating energy about the size of your clenched fist. This disrupts the body’s natural energetic frequencies. As a result, this can impact the way that the tissue, gland or an organ function. Using the Emotion and the Body codes, we can locate these balls of trapped energy and release it, which allows the tissue to return to its own frequency and natural state.
Are Emotion and Body Codes safe to be used on children? What is a safe age to start this type of energy healing? The short answer is - the earlier you start the better. Since there are no side effects of using these energy healing modalities, no harm can be done.
It is safe for all ages.This energy healing method can be helpful when children are having a hard time regulating their emotions, facing difficult situations, or experiencing mental disorders.
Talk therapy can be used with great results for older kids. However, very young children may not yet have the language to describe how they’re feeling. The Emotion Code allows us to communicate with the subconscious so that the body is able to “tell” us exactly what it needs. For this reason, it is a powerful tool to work with children.
When we remove trapped emotions, their negative energy will quickly dissipate. Often the results are astonishing! From my experience using Emotion and Body with children, I have seen a tremendous change in my own kids as well as children of my clients. Sometimes the effects are immediate, and sometimes it takes longer, but the benefits are undeniable. Kids become more talkative, difficulty making decisions disappear, they feel more free to be themselves, confidence level rises, joy and laughter fills their hearts.
It is my hope that energy healing will become a norm, as important and will be implemented (as vaccines are) as early as the child's birth to help our next generations to have less suffering. In addition to good nutrition, vitamins and medical care, adding energy healing as a part of the wellness package, will continue supporting children with emotions throughout their development and into their adulthood.
*Photo from Diana’s archives with her children.
Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC
Certified Emotion|Body|Belief Code Practitioner
Balancing By Numbers Practitioner
Holistic Skin Expert - Licensed Esthetician in CA & FL
Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner
Master Reiki Practitioner
Owner of Radiance Wellness Spa in Santa Monica, CA
Founder & Formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health