What energy techniques are out there?
What are energy healers? Energy healers are individuals who use energy healing techniques to help with physical and emotional imbalances. I have been using energy healing since 1992. It helped me with my own physical and emotional healing; was super helpful raising kids and I also used it on my pets and my plants.
What are energy healing techniques that healers can use? There are several energy healing techniques out there. I will explain a few that worked best for me and my clients. Reiki, Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code and meditation were the most effective modalities in my long years of practice.
What is Reiki? Reiki is said to be simply:“universal life-force energy.” Reiki is non-invasive and is used holistically to restore balance in mind, body and spirit while promoting the body's regenerative self-healing ability. Its healing energy connects us on an energetic and spiritual level where the healing work is conducted. To understand this, we must first realize that we are more than our physical bodies. Reiki sessions can be done in person and virtually.
What is Emotion Code? This energy healing technique is a tool to help enable people to get rid of their emotional baggage. The technique works to identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events or inherited through generations.
In the same way that you can inherit your eye color from your father, or the shape of your nose from your mother, you can also inherit trapped emotions from your biological parents, received at the moment of conception.
Trapped emotions can cause a variety of physical and emotional issues. They can block people from feeling love and happiness and can make them feel disconnected from others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the body’s tissues and can cause physical discomfort. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal itself physically, and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to handle.
What is Body Code? It is a form of energy healing called the Body Code, which deals with balancing the body in these different aspects – emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens and toxicity. The Body Code is a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing. Anything that is imbalanced in the body is able to be identified and corrected. This technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting underlying imbalances, will help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent.
What is a Belief Code? Subconscious also collects new information everyday but it also keeps our old thoughts and beliefs. The collection of truths goes beyond our personal experiences, it can be absorbed from the mother while you were in the womb, shared and even inherited. All this existing information will be used by the subconscious to mold your life and health. The reality is that these beliefs might be out of date. It might also be something we no longer believe is true. However, if we don't release them completely, they are fully running its course in the subconscious. All that stored information might be the cause of failing relationships, difficulty to attract the right people or make ends meet financially. Let’s be clear though, our subconscious is not against us, it just works with what it got. It does not have the ability to analyze if the beliefs are negative or positive. It will just use existing information to function. Belief code energy healing technique is the deepest energy healing modality there can be. Complete negative belief systems can be found, decoded and released. There is no equivalent energy healing modality out there to do this type of deep subconscious healing work. Even if you decide to commit to just a single session per month, you will greatly benefit. Because a whole negative belief system can be removed in that one session.
In person vs virtual energy healing sessions. Distant energy healing sessions work the same as it does in person.Think of a cell phone or radio. It’s not necessary to be in physical proximity to a caller to talk on a cell phone, as cell phones use electromagnetic radio waves to connect with other cell phones. Similarly, energy session recipients do not need to be in physical proximity to practitioners to receive energy healing sessions, just as practitioners don’t need to be near recipients to send it.
Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC
Certified Emotion|Body|Belief Code Practitioner
Balancing By Numbers Practitioner
Holistic Skin Expert - Licensed Esthetician in CA & FL
Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner
Master Reiki Practitioner
Owner of Radiance Wellness Spa in Santa Monica, CA
Founder & Formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health