How to avoid negative energy?
When I say that everything is energy, I mean that EVERYTHING is energy. Albert Einstein said:“Concerning matter, we’ve all been wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibrations have been lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to a point of visibility. There is, no matter.”Scientists and physicists, after using advanced technology and calculations, came to a conclusion that everything around us, including us, is pure energy. Atoms, molecules, and planks are nothing else but energy held by vibration/movement.
We live in an emotional universe. Everything that we experience either feels good or bad. Without emotions life would be boring and meaningless. Imagine if you didn’t feel anything!!! Never fell in love or felt compassion. Well, you might think that it would be nice not to feel devastation, grief or anger. But at the same time, you would not feel happiness, joy or gratitude.
Each of the emotions are vibrating (moving) at a different frequency (speed). The lower vibrations such as grief, sadness, shame, are very slow moving. An emotion is a ball of vibrating energy. It is the size of a clenched fist. Some can be much larger, like a melon. They can lodge anywhere in the body, where they can exert a distortion of the energy field, which leads to all kinds of emotional and physical issues. These low vibration energy balls can lodge in between organs, glands, bones and cause misalignments in the bodily systems. The disconnection is miniscule, but enough to cause pain and even develop into a chronic illness.
The human body is an open system. This means that it is available to have a flow of energy. Positive and negative. Negative energies are not bad on their own. They are part of life. They are an important part of our internal guidance system. It only becomes detrimental if it gets stuck/trapped in the body. So why do some emotions get stuck?
I will use my own recent experience as an example.
I am currently renovating my house and because of someone’s mistake, half of my house got flooded. Waterfalls were flowing down my walls and ceiling. New cabinets, electronic equipment and newly painted walls, baseboards and computers were drenched. I could not even remember when was the last time I experienced such intense anxiety. My kids and I tried to set up bowls and towels to collect water, but it was unmanageable. I was taking deep breaths, but it felt more like I was hyperventilating. I thought to myself that after everything settles I will have to work on releasing that anxiety. That night I muscle tested if I could release it. The answer from my subconscious was no. I thought maybe it was too early, because the things related to that incident were not resolved yet and my heart needed the protection. For the next few days I was processing my emotions. It went from blaming, to anger and everything in between until I got to willingness to forgive. I checked in with my subconscious again if I could release the anxiety. To my happy surprise, there were no low emotions stuck in my energy body! While going through all these emotions, I completed the emotional circle. During this experience, I came to an understanding that because I had dealt and released all old anxiety from my past, it was easier for me to process this new trauma and to not trap it!
How do we avoid negativity in our lives? The short answer is - we don’t. Like I mentioned before, we live in an emotional universe. All emotions are part of life. None of us are immune to experiencing challenges. The only difference is how we react and deal with it.
The goal is to heal by releasing the old trapped emotions and traumas, so the new negativity does not have any resonating energy to attach to. Old traumas act like triggers and attractors for a similar energy. Once they are gone, it becomes so much easier to process and let it all go.
Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC
Certified Emotion|Body|Belief Code Practitioner
Balancing By Numbers Practitioner
Holistic Skin Expert - Licensed Esthetician in CA & FL
Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner
Master Reiki Practitioner
Owner of Radiance Wellness Spa in Santa Monica, CA
Founder & Formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health