Balancing by Numbers (BBN)

Our bodies are made of energy. It operates as an electrical and magnetic system. Organs, glands, and body systems operate by frequencies that are controlled by numbers. 

Western medical professionals also use numbers to measure cholesterol level, white blood cell counts (numbers), heart rate, breathing rate, pulse ect. 

Electric current in the body generates an electromagnetic field. Bio-electromagnetic fields are low in intensity, but can be measured using special devices such as MEG (magnetoencephalography) and MCG (Magnetocardiography). 

Every function of the human or animal body relies on specific signal transmission. Be it the immune system, regeneration of cells, waste removal, healing, nerve function, immune function or circulation.  Literally, every cell, atom and chromosome relies on the frequencies. 

So, In order for the body to function well and be healthy, these signal transmissions must be clear and strong enough so the message gets to where it needs to go and can be understood on the receiving end. Any blockages or interference in that circuitry will create a chain reaction that will lead to dysfunction, disease or malfunction. 

Lloyd Mear, a civil engineer with over 20 years experience in the mining field, was knowledgeable about minerals and their isotopes. In his words:” There are as many as 1.2 million various frequencies in the body. If the body is not feeling or functioning well then some of the numbers (frequencies) might be missing or are creating static.”

In his interview with Regina Meredith, back in 2010 Lloyd explained:” It’s not unlike a radio that you turn to a certain number on a dial and you get a certain frequency, you get a certain program. Now, if that number is just slightly off, all you have is static. You can’t hear the program; you have to adjust the number. The body functions, literally, the same way in that you have frequencies in your body.”

In his lifetime, Lloyd created well over 6000 number sequences to eliminate or add certain frequencies to help balance energies in the body and restore its optimum functioning. He created number frequencies to help with various disorders, such as eliminate viruses, clear undesirable metals and vapors, to help with ADHD, OCD, ADD, normalize chromosomes, eliminate damaging chemicals from plastic, weight loss or gain, hormone balancing, vision, sleep, toxins and parasites, nervous system, hearing, autoimmune, candida, alzheimer, anti-aging, memory, organ support, reproductive, pain, digestion, infections, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, teeth, brain function, and several thousands of other codes. Lloyd also created number sequences to help animals. He and his wife Phylis helped countless people and animals, including their own with many different issues. 

I am beyond happy I came across this method. It absolutely made sense as soon as I learned about  it! It was a missing link in my energy healing sessions that I was practicing on myself and others since 1992. There are many ways to bring the body back to balance out there. And I am always in search of the fastest way that is most gentle on the body. 

One of my recent most miraculous healing experiences was the one I did for my son. He was exposed to mold for an extended period of time (due to one of our house renovation disasters). I was able to help him clear mold, and energy of the mold from his body using techniques that I had practiced for many years. However, his scalp was not responding to anything! It was getting worse and worse. Being a skin therapist, I was perplexed and frustrated that I could not find the solution. I was able to somewhat manage it with ozonated oil treatments twice a week, but it was not healing. Then I came across the BBN (Balancing by Numbers) method. That sounded promising, so I started implementing right away. We noticed the results right after the first session! It took about two weeks to completely clear his scalp! It was nothing short of a miracle. I mean seriously, his scalp was thoroughly covered in flakes and thick yellowish crust. It appeared that in addition to seborrheic dermatitis, there was scalp fungus from mold exposure. You will have to take my word for it, because I did not take before and after pictures… Why? Because I did not think that would work so fast. 

As for myself, I use balancing numbers on myself all the time, because there are no limits on how much can be improved. 

Thanks to passionate editor and publisher Christine Danyi, we have a complete Energy Balancing by Numbers manual to continue Lloyd’s work. 

For the session you can choose what you want to improve or leave it to your subconscious. In that case, after connecting to your energy I would ask your subconscious a question:” What is the most important for (your name) to address at this moment”. It has been incredible to watch that what came up was always what my client needed. 

I have to add a disclaimer that none of the energy healing techniques I provide are used to diagnose or cure. They are not intended to replace medical treatment. But they work absolutely magical to complement any therapy, as they cannot harm you in any way.

Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC

Certified Emotion|Body|Belief Code Practitioner

Balancing By Numbers Practitioner

Holistic Skin Expert - Licensed Esthetician in CA & FL

Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner

Master Reiki Practitioner

Owner of Radiance Wellness Spa in Santa Monica, CA

Founder & Formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health

Single BBN (balancing by Numbers) - Book now

If you are booking the Emotion/Body/Belief Code, BBN session is already included.

Membership sessions also include a BBN session. For these sessions you can choose up to three issues that you want to work on to improve.  - Book now


Energy Healing for Property


Energy Healing for Animals